Help:First Steps

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This page is designed to be used for those who have never edited a wiki before, and they don't know how the coding works. This is not a profesional guide, but a more family friendly explanation. Anyone can edit here and expand this page.

Useful commands

Highlighting a word/sentence

Sometimes, we want a certain word or phrase to be highlighted because it is important. There are several ways to highlight a text, or to make it look more important than the rest. I already feel like I'm repeating myself, great.

  • If you write a text like this: ''text'', it will show the text in italic.
  • If you write a text like the previous one, but with 3 '''text''', it will show the text in bold.
  • If you write a text the same way, but with 5 '''''text''''', it will show the text in both aspects.
    • Adding more won't change anything.

Highlighting a line/paragraph

This is used if you want to change and entire line or paragraph. You could use the previous method for certain situations, but we are fancy here.

If you want to make each line be a point from another paragraph (what I did before), you have to use "*" at the start of a new line. Press enter, add the asterisk and

  • (*) boom, you got yourself a new point.
    • (**) Adding more asterisks at the beginning will make it look like a subpoint.
      • (***) This is useful, but use with caution.
    • (**) And please, let it be tidy.

Another fancy thing is that, if you add ";" at the start of a line, the entire thing will be in bold.

(;) See? Looks cool. Whenever you press Enter again

the effect will go away.

(;;) Though, even if you add more, the effect won't change.

Linking to another page

Alright, there are two ways to make this. We can do it the basic way (which works for linking any page) or we can do it the good way (only links to pages inside THIS wikia).

Basic Method

Linking pages with this method is easy and will always work (if you write it properly, but it's easy). However, we don't want to use this method, unless we are linking to a website outside this wiki. The reason is that it's harder to write it without a reference, and it's a mess for the following editors to work with it.

The basic structure of this method is: [url name]
The [ ] part is the link command. The "url" part will always start with "http://" and it will take the entire url. The "name" part is optional. If you press Space after the url and write any name, it will be displayed on the page instead of the complete url. The name can have spaces too, so don't worry.

GOOD Method

This method is the one we actually want to use. It requires less writting, it it easy to edit even for another editors, and once you get the hang of it, it's not even hard to use. The only negative point is that this method can't link to another websites. It only works for pages inside this wiki.

The basic structure of this method is: [[page|name]]
For this command to activate, we need to imput [ ] twice, one inside another, thus making [[ ]]. Don't put spaces between them. Next thing is the "page" part, which is kind of tricky. Let's use for example the Lair of the Fooker page. It's url is "". We need to stract the last part of the url, right after the "index.php" part, since that is the name of the page. In other words, in this case, page = "Lair of the Fooker". Spaces and "_" work like they are the same. If we want to link to a certain part of the page, we use the "#" to link subsections. Example, page = "Lair of the Fooker#Voice". Notice how I didn't write the "text channels" subsection, but the "voice" subsection directly.
It should look like this: [[Lair of the Fooker#Voice]] which translates to Lair of the Fooker#Voice. If you click there, it will take you to that subsection on the page. However, it looks simply bad and messy. Plus, sometimes it's good to disguise the link so it doesn't look weird in context. So, we take our [[Lair of the Fooker#Voice]] and add at the end of the page part a "|" (Alt Gr + 1) and then we start typing the name. Tha page section and the name have no problems with spaces. I'll name it "here" so it will take you to that page if you click "here".

Creating sections

As you may have seen at the top of the page, there is a kind of index that act as buttons for you to move around the different part of the page. Sadly, that index doesn't have a command. BUT it can be created when making sections (that's what I call it at least). Sections are each part of a page that can be accessed from the index at the top of a page. These sections are created like this:

= Title =
I highly recommend adding the title between spaces because of Editing Asthetics. Being serious, this is a good tool for readers AND editors, and it's really easy to use. Take into account that if you keep adding "=" at the beginning and at the end of the command, you will be creating subsections according to the highest tier section. With that I mean is that if you start writting sections with 3 "=", and the rest at 4 "=", the 3 "=" section will be considered the highest, and the index will point at it like if it was 1.X. To make it clearer, my whole page is written using 2 "=" in every section, but the index treates it as if it was a 1 "=" section.

Uploading and Using files

To upload a file, go to the page in the navigation bar called Upload file and proceed to select the desired file to upload, a name and a description. The name written there will be the one which will be used for the rest of the editors, so keep it clean and look similar files to have the name similar to them.

To use a file, just proceed to use this "[[File:Name.ext]]". Take into account it's sensitive to capital letters. Also, beware of the kind of file. I highly suggest uploading .png pictures. For further options, go check the Upload file page.

Adding a Character Infobox

In some character pages, you may see in the top right corner a little box in which you can see the details and information of said character. That box is called Infobox. I highly recommend that, if you plan to use it, you just copy and paste it in the page you want to add it (remember to change its content properly!). However, you may lose information in the progress, since the infobox has several blocks of information that in some cases may not be even used. The structure of the template is "here".

  • We'll have to write that at the beginning of the page, even before the introduction.
  • In "Color", we have to type either "basic" or "ragefest i/ii/iii/iv/v". It's best to give it the color of the character's first appearance, or if unknown, basic.
  • In Status Icon and in Image Information, we have to use a picture file uploaded to the wiki.
  • I encourage using links in "Family & Friends", "First Seen" and "Featured in".
  • If you have any doubts, you can look at infoboxes in other pages, or ask someone for help.