Super Hard Lyn Mode: Episode 6: Chapters 7x and 8: Part 1: Fortress of Crazy
Is this more enemies than in FE7? Seems like plenty to me...also, there seem to be 2 promoted units around!
I think I did try to add more units while editting, but stuff like that always caused Glitch Rath or worse.
One of them leaves eventually, but we'll have to deal with the other one...
Glad to see you all have faith in me!
Here's the team. We're taking Glitch!Rath along, in hopes that he won't disappear on us again.
Remember the boots we got last time?
Yeah, the recipient is clear.
Here's my setup. Let's look at the enemies!
Beyard doesn't move and has no 2-range option, and his stats are nothing to speak of(save for the HP, I suppose).
I loved giving enemies loads of HP. It just isn't done in a fun way until Old Fire Mumblem Episode 6.
Hey, he stuck around this time!
You know what that means!
I gave him the Mani Katti too!
This could have been bad, but Nils actually held up surprisingly well.
Upon the mage's death, he gets...a terrible level! You are SO dropped, Glitch!Rath!
Florina lures out a merc. This is pretty much the last kill she'll ever score.
Hey, shouldn't there be some from those stairs? What's holding them up? I somehow doubt one noob soldier from the lower stairs will save you...
Hammer time!
Oh, there they a-WAIT WHAT
So, uh, yeah...this random allied commander "--" has good stats, an infinite use emblem weapon, and an S rank in axes as well as a lance rank. For not knowing how to edit weapon ranks, Marky sure is good at editing weapon ranks!
Remember me mentioning my IRL friend Guy? This was supposed to be my other IRL friend, Adam. I think I intended for him to beat the boss and just leave, forever making the player wonder who stole their EXP.
Oh. And the weapon rank... Maybe I did know how to set those, but somehow messed up with that knight boss from the previous chapter. I dunno, it's been so long!
And so the epic battle commences!
Both sides miss their attacks. The outcome of this battle is entirely dependent on luck, and the pirate could win or lose depending on what the RNG decides.
The mage tries to interfere. It doesn't work out.
On the next other phase, the pirate re-engages, and nearly dies(but actually lands a hit!). Then, on the next enemy phase...
He somehow lives. WITH MORE HP THAN HE HAD BEFORE. Yeah, this guy has some weird hidden auto-regen-health crap going on, which increases his chances, but he can't take a crit.
I think his axe has the nosferatu effect. When you apply that to anything that isn't nosferatu, the game doesn't visually display the regained HP during battle animations. Turning off the battle animations makes this work properly.
Also, that palette's kinda cool. =D
Yeah, I never managed to catch it on camera, despite my best attempts. The rest of my team cleared the rest of the fortress, and they've been kinda breaking out the popcorn to watch the struggle of the friendly.
And he's down! Now we just have to finish Beyard.
Hmmm...who to give the kill to?
No, I don't know why either!
He gets a good level, at least.
I decide to just play the next chapter, thinking it would be short.
I was wrong.
This next chapter is just... a total mess. Prolly the hardest chapter in the game except for Chapter 9 (which is the end of the hack).
Surely a ballista isn't THAT special?
Bye Matthew, it would have been so trolly for Marky to put a super important stealable here, but he didn't.
The team! You know, having two extra units in our party means we have to leave more people out than we would in FE7.
Things are already looking kind of different...
Wait, what's that second ballista doing?
I guess Marky intended for this guy to be annoying to kill because of the avoid, but...what's up with the map sprite!
Uh. Wow. I don't even remember this happening. But yeah, you've noticed earlier that there were units like phantoms and inside-out men that specialized in a certain stat. Thinking about it now, I was probably doing this to diversify the enemy variety and give them specific strengths and weaknesses.
So, about the rest of the Caelin mooks. They're ALL very weird.
The sage has super weak stats.
This guy is THE MOST BOSS merc you will ever see.
... What the hell was I thinking?
These soldiers have insane HP and luck, and are actually somewhat threatening! Bit of a step up from last chapter!
Yogi is here, with surprisingly ordinary stats and weapons.
Wait a minute...
Man, I really wish I remember why I did that. I think it was to show how hard things are getting. Instead of one Yogi to fight, you deal with two.
Can Moniker prevail against this insanity? Find out next time!