Ragefest VI - The Return of Kris (FE8U)
By Thekealganon and Volke0 (Posted by 109)

Posted On: 01/01/1970 12:00:00 AM
Thread: https://feuniverse.us/t/fe8u-updated-v1-01-27-chapters-ragefest-vi-the-return-of-kris/29138
Average User Score: ( reviews total)
View Count: 189
Download Count: 0
There was a critical bug that has been fixed!
Hello, everyone and Merry Christmas! I hope you're all fairing well.
After Thekealganon and I's first (admittedly subpar) submission to Markjoe1990's
RageFest V contest all the way back in 2017, we sought to make another that
addressed the flaws of the original. However, RageFest VI never came… So, we decided to
make a full game hack instead: RageFest VI: The Return of Kris!
The game follows Marc, an average Walmart employee with lofty
visions of success and granduer, as he navigates through
shady dealings with crimelords and convinces heavily warped
characters from Fire Emblem games past to reach his goal of
bringing natural order back to Touhou!
The game follows a normal Fire Emblem structure with
some visual novel events and features. Your choices can drastically
change the course of your save file's story and even
the characters you recruit along the way.
Alpha Points are accumulated when you make good
decisions for Markyjoe throughout the story.
Obtaining them will drastically alter the course
of the game, adding to replayability options.
There are also various minigames you can participate
in for different rewards. The minigames available to
you in any given run depend on your choices throughout
the story, such as who you choose to side
with on Chapter 9: Sight for Sore Eyes.
Battle animations:
Enjoy new battle animations taken from the FE Animation Repository
and from the game's main artist, PrincessPoych!
Other Features:
- 27+ Chapters
- 50+ Recruitable characters
- New classes
- Uses FE Builders skill functionality!
This is our first full length Fire Emblem game so the game
will continue to receive updates as needed for any unforseen
bugs and based on user input. Thanks for understanding :slight_smile:
Some known bugs:
If you get the cursor sounding like it's scrolling toggle to the next unit
Similar to the bug above but more game breaking is when the cursor looks like it's selecting on a tile without your unit on it and moving it will crash the game. To fix this simple just toggle to
the next unit without moving the cursor and it will work.
Credits are mentioned in the FEUniverse Post along with a credit's screen at the end of the game.
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